Win UP TO £1,000,000 CASH TAX FREE
Entering The Prize Draw
You can enter free or paid as many times as you like. There is no upper limit. Please enter responsibly though and if purchasing ticket(s) only spend what you can comfortably afford. The more entries you make, the more chances you have of winning!
You may purchase an entry ticket using your Mac/PC/Laptop online or by tapping the Click Here to Buy Tickets button located at the bottom of your mobile device, mobile phone or tablet screen. Look for the Shopping Trolley symbol.
The £200,000 Prize Draw will take place when 30,000 entries are sold. The £500,000 & £1,000,000 Prize Draws will be made when 150,000 indvidual tickets are sold. Ticket Sales create the individual Prize Draw Funds.
If no free postal draw entries are received, your odds of winning the £200,000 Prize Draw with a single £10 entry are 30,000 : 1
When Property Lotto runs a 6 tickets for the price of 5 promotion, odds are just 25,000 : 1
As a comparison:
The odds of winning the National Lottery Jackpot are 45,057,474 : 1
[we still love the National Lottery and others though, because like us they support good causes]
Enter the Property Lotto Prize Draw by buying ticket(s) on this page or by a Postal entry. Click here for postal entry details or read them at the bottom of this page.
The Prize Draw's Closing Date is based on each batch of 150,000 tickets being completely sold. The Prize Draw will be broadcast live and recorded. The selling of tickets creates each Prize Draw Fund.

Enter the Prize Draw by Post
Send your entry on a postcard to:
Your entry must include; your name, address, email address (if you have one), telephone number and indicate which
Prize Draw you wish your card to be entered in to: £200,000 or £1,000,000. One Prize Draw per postcard.
If an entry value is not clearly shown you will be entered in to a £200,000 prize draw.
The Prize Draw's Closing Date is based on each batch of 150,000 tickets being completely sold.
The Prize Draw will be broadcast live and recorded. The selling of tickets creates the Prize Draw Funds.